Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The United States And Its Impact On America Essay

Back in the 19th century, there was a common belief that God had destined The United States to expand entirely across the North American continent, and eventually across the entire Western Hemisphere. They believed that what they were doing was justifiable, because they believed that God was telling them to do this. It had a huge impact on who America is today as a country and if the expansion had not occurred, it is easy to believe that America would not be the thriving and successful country that it is now. There were many positive sides to Manifest Destiny such as; America was successful in expanding its land from the east to the west coast, which is a positive, because it allowed many people to come to America who otherwise would not have had the chance because there would have been no room for any more people. Another positive side is that it gave America a lot more culture than it had before. But if there is a positive side, that means there has to be a negative side. One of th e negative sides to Manifest Destiny and territorial expansion was that they did whatever they could possibly do to get that land and they did not care who it hurt, killed, or negatively affected in the process. This is the reason why so many people debate whether or not manifest destiny was a good or a bad thing, because there are valid reasons for both sides. Let’s start off with the positive side, America eventually got the land from east to west. Whether they got it from dishonoring treatiesShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of United States On America927 Words   |  4 Pagesthe individual States of America joined to form what currently known as United States of America. Although various ideas have been presented to support both sides of the story, I believe that the positive impacts that United States had on America outweigh the adverse effects. 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